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MOSCOW, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Russia's exports of ultra-low
sulphur diesel (ULSD) from the Baltic Sea port of Primorsk are
set to rise by 11% in February versus previous plan to
record-high 1.9 million tonnes despite the EU embargo, traders
said and Refinitiv data showed.
Traders expect similar diesel exports volumes from Primorsk
in March, market sources added.
A full European Union embargo on Russian oil products came
into effect on Feb. 5.
Russia has long been the main diesel supplier for Europe,
where refineries do not produce enough fuel to meet domestic
According to Refinitiv data, Russia diverted its diesel
supplies from the Baltic port of Primorsk in February to
Algeria, Turkey, Tunisia, Morocco, Ghana and Brazil.
Two cargoes carrying diesel from Primorsk were also heading
to Saudi Arabia.
Some vessels loaded in February with diesel at the Russian
Baltic port of Primorsk still have nominations such as
"Gibraltar on order" or "OPL (off-port-limit) Kalamata",
according to Refinitiv shipping data.
(Reporting by Reuters; Editing by Louise Heavens)