March 23 (Reuters) - Below are company-related news and
stories from France and Benelux which could have an impact on
the region's markets or individual stocks.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates by a
quarter of a percentage point, but indicated it was on the verge
of pausing further increases in borrowing costs after the recent
collapse of two U.S. banks.
BASTIDE GROUPE Bastide Groupe reported on Wednesday its 2022-2023 half-year
results, with a revenue of Eur 249.7 million and an Ebitda of
Eur 49.9 million, both increasing year-on-year.
BURELLE SA Burelle SA reported on Wednesday a full year net income of Eur
126 Mln, up 41%, and a full year consolidated revenue of Eur
8.55 Bln, with a positive growth outlook for 2023.
INFOTEL SA Infotel SA reported on Wednesday a full year turnover of Eur
300.4 Mln, up 14%, with an EBITDA of EUR 38.8 Mln vs EUR 30 Mln
a year ago.
HEXAOM SA Hexagon SA reported on Wednesday a full year revenue of Eur 1.06
billion, with an operating loss of Eur 28.7 million and a fairly
positive outlook on its 2023 production.
NRJ GROUP SA NRJ Group SA reported on Wednesday a full year EBITDA of Eur
80.2 Mln, up 18.8% year-on-year, and an year-on-year increase of
25.7% in its full year net income.
PEUGEOT INVEST SA Peugeot proposed on Wednesday a dividend of Eur 2.85, an
increase of 7.5%, and reported a full year consolidated net
profit of EUR 237 Mln.
Pan-European market data:
European Equities speed guide................... FTSE Eurotop 300 index.............................. DJ STOXX index...................................... Top 10 STOXX sectors........................... Top 10 EUROSTOXX sectors...................... Top 10 Eurotop 300 sectors..................... Top 25 European pct gainers....................... Top 25 European pct losers........................ Main stock markets:
Dow Jones............... Wall Street report ..... Nikkei 225............. Tokyo report............ FTSE 100............... London report........... Xetra DAX............. Frankfurt items......... CAC-40................. Paris items............ World Indices..................................... Reuters survey of world bourse outlook......... European Asset Allocation........................ Reuters News at a glance:
Top News............. Equities.............. Main oil report........... Main currency report..... (Gdansk Newsroom)
Paris Equities: +33 1 49 49 54 52))
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