Figures are converted from yen to U.S. dollar using Japan Customs' official conversion rate.
Country Feb Yr/Yr Feb Year to end-Feb Yr/Yr
list KG % $/KG KG %
China 1,316,378 508.9 $3.27 2,652,552 429.5
Taiwan 1,427,700 26.3 $3.23 2,263,110 37.6
Vietnam 1,144,511 13.7 $3.25 1,947,695 20.7
Thailand 649,025 -65.7 $3.42 978,384 -70.0
Singapore 100,523 $3.12 100,523
Malaysia 298,622 499.5 $3.19 323,273 224.2
Philippines 113,900 -39.7 $3.44 207,878 -36.8
Indonesia 1,820,827 65.7 $3.38 2,218,746 -23.9
India 3,624,366 102.4 $3.20 6,573,484 124.4
Bangladesh 547,840 10.5 $3.60 1,144,203 -34.2
France 299,307 $3.47 599,948
Italy 350,478 $3.11 350,478
SPAIN 0 999,744
BELGIUM 594,272 $3.33 2,370,121
Total 12,287,749 56.2 $3.28 22,730,139 51.2
(Reporting by Tokyo Newsroom; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)