"Although the governments' forecasts are positive, they are also very optimistic and raise questions about execution," wrote Rafaela Vitoria, chief economist at Banco Inter. Haddad said the finance ministry had discussed the proposal with the central bank and other ministries, reaching "100% consensus" within the government after weeks of reported tensions between him and more leftist aides to the president.
In an olive branch to central bank President Roberto Campos
Neto, Haddad told journalists at a news conference that Brazil
would grow only by "harmonizing" fiscal and monetary policy.
Lula has criticized Campos Neto repeatedly for the central
bank keeping interest rates at a six-year high due to rising
inflation expectations and doubts about fiscal policy.
In a separate news conference, Campos Neto told journalists
he still had not seen the details of the new fiscal framework,
but the early proposals he heard seemed "quite reasonable."
As Reuters reported on Wednesday, the new framework would
also target zero primary deficit in 2024, followed by a primary
surplus equal to 0.5% of GDP in 2025 and 1% of GDP in 2026. The
primary budget target would have a margin of plus or minus 0.25
percentage point.
This year's primary deficit target, the first of the Lula
administration, is 228.1 billion reais ($44 billion). However,
the finance ministry said on Thursday it will seek a primary
deficit equal to 0.5% of GDP, following its recent estimation
that the shortfall would be 107.6 billion reais, equal to 1.0%
of GDP, helped by a jump in expected tax revenue.
Under the finance ministry's base scenario, the new fiscal
rules would help to stabilize gross public debt around 76% of
GDP in 2026, compared with 73% in January, said Treasury
Secretary Rogerio Ceron.
The government's proposed fiscal rules would also set a
floor for public investments. Ceron told journalists that
investments which currently total around 70 billion-75 billion
reais would be corrected for inflation over time.
(Reporting by Marcela Ayres in Brasilia
Additional reporting by Fabricio de Castro in Sao Paulo, Isabel
Versiani in Brasilia and Libby George in London
Editing by Brad Haynes and Matthew Lewis)