The benchmark BSE Sensex fell 12.07 points, or 0.02%,
to 58,979.45, eyeing the jump in oil prices and Friday's rally
on U.S. equities. The broader NSE index was little
changed at 17,378.25. RUPEE:
The Indian rupee weakened 0.27% versus the U.S. dollar,
to 82.40, bogged down by the near 6% rise in oil prices that
fuelled a broad decline in Asian currencies. GOVERNMENT BONDS:
Benchmark 10-year bond was quoted at 99.43
rupees, with yield up 3 bps at 7.3434% on worries over the
impact of the jump in oil prices on the inflation outlook. OVERNIGHT INDEXED SWAPS:
The one-year overnight indexed swap rate was up 1
bps at 6.82%, while the benchmark five-year swap rate rose 2 bps to 6.30%.
India's overnight call money rate was down 100 bps at
6.35% against 7.35% in the previous session. The overnight TREPS
rate was at 6.28%, compared with the previous
day's weighted average of 6.9204%.
(Reporting by Nimesh Vora)
MUMBAI, April 3 (Reuters) -
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