April 11 (Reuters) - The following table shows rates for
Asian currencies against the dollar at 0202 GMT.
Currency Latest bid Previous Pct
day Move
Japan yen 133.540 133.6 +0.04
Sing dlr 1.332 1.3324 +0.05
Taiwan dlr 30.475 30.452 -0.08
Korean won 1319.000 1319.7 +0.05
Baht 34.365 34.37 +0.01
Peso 54.660 54.754 +0.17
Rupiah 14920.000 14899 -0.14
Rupee 81.980 81.98 +0.00
Ringgit 4.415 4.408 -0.16
Yuan 6.887 6.8835 -0.05
Change so far in 2023
Currency Latest bid End 2022 Pct
Japan yen 133.540 131.110 -1.82
Sing dlr 1.332 1.340 +0.60
Taiwan dlr 30.475 30.708 +0.76
Korean won 1319.000 1264.500 -4.13
Baht 34.365 34.585 +0.64
Peso 54.660 55.670 +1.85
Rupiah 14920.000 15565.00 +4.32
Rupee 81.980 82.720 +0.90
Ringgit 4.415 4.400 -0.34
Yuan 6.887 6.900 +0.19
(Compiled by Navya Mittal in Bengaluru)