"At the global level, EUR/USD will not deliver another significant boost anytime soon and the market has almost fully normalised after the March turmoil," ING said. The benchmark Polish 10-year bond yield edged higher, rising 3.4 basis points (bps) to 6.206%. The Czech 10-year yield rose 4.8 bps to 4.629. "The expected drop in (U.S.) consumer inflation to close to 5% in March against 6% in February and the first signs of a worse situation in the labour market will not increase the probability of interest rate hikes," PKO BP said in a note.
"As a result, the yield on Polish bonds can be expected to remain around 6.1%." CEE SNAPSHOT AT
Latest Previo Daily Change us
bid close change in 2023
EURCZK= Czech 23.4800 23.475 -0.02% +2.89%
crown 0
EURHUF= Hungary 376.1000 375.45 -0.17% +6.21%
forint 00
EURPLN= Polish 4.6655 4.6670 +0.03% +0.52%
EURRON= Romania 4.9385 4.9351 -0.07% +0.08%
n leu
EURRSD= Serbian 117.2200 117.30 +0.07% +0.07%
dinar 00
Note: calculated from 1800
daily CET
Latest Previo Daily Change us
close change in 2023
.PX Prague 1403.53 1405.3 -0.13% +16.79%
.BUX Budapes 44196.19 44408. -0.48% +0.92%
t 12
.WIG20 Warsaw 1783.96 1783.3 +0.04% -0.45%
.BETI Buchare 12450.90 12446. +0.04% +6.75%
st 02
.SBITOP Ljublja 1224.28 1220.0 +0.35% +16.73%
na 7
.BELEX1 Belgrad <.BELEX15 871.83 868.31 +0.41% +5.73%
5 e >
.SOFIX Sofia 612.19 612.84 -0.11% +1.78%
Yield Yield Spread Daily (bid) change vs Bund change in Czech spread Republi
CZ2YT=R <CZ2YT=RR 5.7990 0.0480 +307bp +2bps
R 2-year > s
CZ5YT=R <CZ5YT=RR 5.0450 0.0170 +271bp +0bps
R 5-year > s
CZ10YT= <CZ10YT=R 4.6290 0.0480 +232bp +5bps
RR 10-year R> s
PL2YT=R <PL2YT=RR 6.1470 -0.101 +341bp -13bps
R 2-year > 0 s
PL5YT=R <PL5YT=RR 6.1440 0.0130 +381bp +0bps
R 5-year > s
PL10YT= <PL10YT=R 6.2060 0.0340 +390bp +3bps
RR 10-year R> s
3x6 6x9 9x12 3M interban k Czech < 7.15 6.87 6.19 7.18 Rep PRIBOR=>
Hungary < 15.15 13.41 12.23 16.30 BUBOR=>
Poland < 6.85 6.73 6.36 6.90 WIBOR=>
Note: are for ask prices
(Reporting by Alan Charlish in Warsaw and Jason Hovet in Prague; Editing by Sonia Cheema)
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