EU-Bond EU-Bond 04-12-2029 04-02-2033
1.625% 2.750%
Date of auction 17-04-2023 17-04-2023
Settlement date 19/04/2023 19/04/2023
Maturity 04/12/2029 04/02/2033
Volume bids
* 2 281 2 810
Volume allotment
* 1 771 1 732
Old outstanding amount
* 13 000 6 000
New outstanding amount
* 14 771 7 732
Weighted average price 91.74 97.17
Lowest accepted price 91.68 97.10
% awarded at lowest accepted price 100.00% 100.00%
Weighted average yield 3.018% 3.087%
Cover ratio 1.29 1.62
* in millions of euros
(Reporting by Tristan Veyet in Gdansk)